
Marijuana - Political and Social Issues

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Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial issue in society today. Although many slanderous claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, the truths about cannabis are slowly starting to resurface. Unfortunately, these truths are under heavy criticism due to the stereotypical view of what people view as the typical pot smoker or stoner. This skewed perception of a lazy and unmotivated member of society is the result of many years of false research and the government’s propaganda being spread. Marijuana is being criticized by people who have never tried it and this only creates a false perception of the drug. Marijuana like everything else has it pros and cons and these must be addressed so the population can finally learn the truth behind cannabis. Marijuana is considered a drug under the Canadian legislation and this is for a reason. Marijuana has been called and considered the gateway drug. This is because previous drug abusers began with smoking marijuana and slowly transferred to stronger more dangerous drugs. Marijuana has also been said to be addictive which traps the user into a cycle where he needs to smoke marijuana to not fall into depression. Cannabis is a drug that is primarily smoked, this means that the smoke is entering the lungs and this can cause cancer and other health related problems just like smoking tobacco. Marijuana has also been said to be two times stronger than tobacco smoke and contains more carcinogens. Marijuana, because it is a drug, can kill brain cells when smoked often just like alcohol. Marijuana also has been said if smoked frequently can diminish a person’s motivation and effort they put into life. Cannabis has been proven to increase a child’s chances of getting leukemia, a cancer of the bone marrow, if it is smoked while pregnant. Marijuana has been used for recreational use for hundreds of years and it is not about to stop soon. Although cannabis is illegal this does not s

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