Everyone has been told not to text and drive. Texting while driving is very dangerous and Florida should enforce the law with more authority. It is very evident texting and driving is very dangerous but people are still getting away with it. The Florida law enforcement should take action and attempt to stop people from texting while driving. If people continue to get away with it, then they are not going to stop. If people are punished for doing it, eventually they will stop. However, Florida does not do enough to stop texting while driving. It would be beneficial for everyone if law enforcement punishes people for texting and driving. Today in America, cell phones are very popular. They are actually a priority to a lot of people. If we are honest, we are addicted to our cell phones. We cannot leave the house without it. It is always by our side. There are so many things we can do on our cell phones today. Not only can we text people but we can email, tweet, Facebook, turn on our alarm at our houses, and much more. The problem with cell phones is we cannot seem to stay off of them, especially when we are driving. Most people do not realize how much risk there actually is when we are on our phones while driving. Driving a vehicle requires all of our attention. It is very important that we give every bit of our attention to the road when we are driving. However, if we are on our cell phones then we cannot give our undivided attention. In 2011, twenty-three percent of all accidents were related to texting and driving, which is around 1.3 million car accidents. When we make the decision to use our cell phone while driving, we do not realize how much they take away our attention from the road. Looking at your cell phone takes a minimum of five seconds of our attention. Some do not think it is a problem. Seventy- seven percent of young adults say they are confident in their ability to text and drive. However, teens who text while driving s