Journalist Jose Vargas and President Barack Obama both have very unique ways of using rhetoric and yet their methods at times are often similar. Both speakers slowly change their tone and facial expressions as the speech goes on. While both speakers have very different subjects being discussed, they both manage to capture their audience's attention in many ways, and at the same time they have very similar flaws. Both Barack Obama and Jose Vargas presented convincing speeches that used elements of rhetoric to inspire their audience to make a change in the world. In the beginning of Jose Vargas' Speech he starts telling stories and on occasion pokes fun at himself. He does this because he wants to grab his audience's attention. Vargas manages to apply small detail to a bigger picture when he introduces his speech, for example: he says that it is a real honor to be at the TED X Mid Atlantic because his grandfather's name is Ted (2). This small detail is important because he later reveals that his grandfather changed his name to better fit the American public. His grandfather is also the one who Brought Jose Vargas to America to begin with. This is similar to Obama's speech on many levels. President Barack Obama also starts by poking fun at someone but it wasn't himself. He says that someone posted on twitter that Clinton should be the secretary of explaining things, except he didn't say things, he instead used a more inappropriate word (1). Both Obama and Vargas are smiling and making jokes at the beginning of their speeches because they want to capture the attention of their audience. As the speeches progress both speakers begin to change the tone of their voice to a more stern tone and their facial expressions to a more serious look. They do this because they feel that now that they have captured the attention of their audience, it is all right for them to get to the subject at hand. Both Jose Vargas and Barack Obama begin giving examples of what their speech is about. Vargas begins by listing thi