
Legalization of Recreational Drugs

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Abstract This research project contains arguments put forth against legalization of recreational/illicit drugs and the harmful effects of these drugs on a person’ health, on society and on economy of a country. While many supporters for use of these drugs state the many benefits of the drug, such as overcoming social anxiety and helping relaxation. The fact remains that there are too many negative effects of these drugs which concur a large social as well as monetary cost to all nations. At the end of this research, some recommendations based on in depth research will be made to prevent drug trade and reduce drug use. 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Issue Recreational drug use is the use of a drug, (legal, controlled, or Illegal), with the intention of enhancing life, increasing euphoria, blocking unhappy memories, or creating pleasure. Some would also include creativity and religious growth as among the effects of certain drugs (cannabis and the psychedelics). Understood broadly, this is recreation. Over the course of history recreational use of drugs has been part of certain cultures around the world. Drugs are basically chemical substance that can change a person’s body and mind. There are mainly three types of drugs, which are medicines, legal addictive drugs and illegal addictive drugs. Legal and illegal addictive drugs are commonly known as recreational drugs (Daily Mail, U.K). The most common recreational drug would be the commonly illegal marijuana or cannabis apart from the legal alcohol and tobacco According to Europe Against Drugs, EURAD drugs such as cannabis has risen to as high as 11% over the course of 4 years. This clearly shows the popularity of recreational drugs especially among the younger generation. Upon closer look, it can be seen that there are certain considerable proponents who are against and in favor toward the legalization of addictive drugs (Barcott, 2014). One such example would be marijuana. By definition, both marijuana and cannabis have the same meaning. However, cannabis is the name for the plant in which the drug grows. The substance that causes the euphoria or ‘high’ feeling is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which is a fat-soluble substance that causes a state of relaxation which affects a person’s senses. Many scientist, politician and even the lay men have argue for and against the recreational use of the drugs. Some claim its detrimental effects of the drug on health and society while other cite the failure of drug enforcement agencies and the possibility of some medical benefits. 1.2. Current Situation The debate concerning the legalization of recreational drugs such as marijuana began when certain lobbyist perceived that the so-called ‘War On Drugs’ has actually failed ( In the United States of America, the state of Colorado and Washington D.C. has taken the step to legalize pot alongside the Latin American nation of Uruguay citing control and regulation drugs can stop the spreads of cartels and black market but also generate tax for the government ( Barcott, 2014). Nevertheless, there are also many who advocate that legalization could lead to adverse side effect to society in terms of moral decline, health concerns and also economic reasons. 1.3. Research Question This particular debate has sparked many controversies from both supporters of legalization and those who disagree with it. Hence, taking into account of all parties from both sides of the debate, be it politicians, students, scientist, law enforcement officers and the general public. The key question here is “Should recreational drugs (such as marijuana) be legalized for recreational use? 1.4. Thesis Statement Upon completing a widespread research of the benefits and dangerous effects it can be clearly seen that illicit/recreational drugs such as marijuana are harmful and dangerous substances that can be calamitous to the health of the user, society and economy of a country. 1.5. Scope of Research Therefore, based on the thesis statement above, this report will emphasize on the many problem and issues concerning legalization of recreational drugs. The report would also want to focus on the popular recreational drug cannabis which essentially sparked the whole debate. This report will also provide evidence and analyze the facts concerning the illicit substance and what are the effects of legalizing it. This is to have a clearer understanding of this debate. 2.1. Body of Content 2.2. The harmful effects on health from recreational drug use One of main issues concerning the legalization of recreational drugs is the effects of the substance on the user. Recreational drugs such as the common marijuana are called narcotic drugs which can cause sensory distortion and lesser coordination of movement among other effects to the person involved. These are some of the immediate result of the drug use. The long term side-effects are more deleterious and harmful

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