Some people have that one place where they are just at peace. A place where they there and everything mean or negative seems to just float out of their head and gets replaced with happiness and joy. That place for me is my church. I’ve been going to my local church for many years. I was baptized there, I have been confirmed there, and my memorial service will be held there. Most kids think church is just something their parents force them to go to, but I always had a certain feeling of joy for getting up early on Sunday and going to church. I can only think of one time when there wasn’t really any joy in going to church and that time would be when the memorial service for my grandfather who passed away was held there. Other than that, all of the other times have been nothing but full of happiness, joy and good times. The reason for all this happiness and joy is all the friendships, compassion and love that everyone gives. It has a home away from home type of feeling to it. Now, regarding the friendship part, all my friends that go to my church don’t all go to the same school that I go to. Because of this, the friendship and bond with these friends are on a different level then some of those with kids from my own school. We grow closer together in that small hour or two each Sunday in class, when we’re hanging out for as long as we can have in coffee hour (a time to gather and talk) before our parents forcibly drag us out of the church to the car and we have no choice but to say goodbye. This is part of that home away from home feeling because we grew so close that I can easily consider all of those people my brothers and sisters. That is a feeling that has no price to it, its worth more than any amount of money in the world. My relationship and with my church has taught me compassion. To me, compassion is having a caring attitude to the people around you. Yet again almost every single person in my church exhibits my definiti