My heart pounded. Sweat dripped off my forehead, I used my arm to wipe it off. It was rather dark considering it was a winter's day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and the dull fog wasn't helping to brighten it up. A raindrop hit my head and began dripping down my face and my neck. I guess the weather forecast was right. When I watched the weather report this morning, the presenter forecast that at around about 4:30 pm, a storm would hit our town. As predicted, the rain became heavier, making it hard to see where I was going. However that wasn't a problem as I knew the town like the back of my hand and everything that surrounds it and lives in here. My mother and I moved into the a strange town when I was 1 years old because she was ill. And we lived in this little old castle by the woods. That my grandfather left for my mom before he died. I never knew my dad because he left my mom when I was born. Due to her illness and the fact that I have no siblings, I had to entertain myself somehow. Eventually when I was old enough to take care of myself; I began to venture in the woods, going further every day. When my mother died was 21 years old. And I fall in love with my boyfriend Paul. Who lived with me now in the castle. I would spend most of my time in the woods exploring the forest. Hearing a rustling noise coming from the bushes beside me, I slowed my pace down until I came to a stop, when I caught a glimpse of something unusual. A fiery red eye and what seemed like red hair, the kind that belongs to humans. Confused and scared I told myself it was just a fox and I had imagined the one red eye, of which most likely belonged to an animal. Even though I knew it was still in the bush, I couldn't build enough courage to go and have a look at it. I just left it and begun running in the direction of my house. My pace being slightly quicker that what it was before I stopped. In the back of my mind I still imagined that I could hear the rustl