John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. Kennedy came into the presidency at the height of the cod war and beginning of the change in the US known as the civil rights era. These events would create the major problems in his administration. Kennedy brought a new sense of vitality and newness to the white house and to the presidency. He surrounded himself with new people who brought fresh approaches to solving problems both domestic and foreign. Some of the major foreign policy issues faced by Kennedy were cold war tensions in Cuba, Latin America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Russia and china. On the domestic front Kennedy had to deal with major issues in the declining economy, civil rights, civil liberties, federal and military death penalty, immigration, native American rights, and American space policy. Most people remember John F. Kennedy because of his assassination on Friday Nov 22, 1963. Yet there is so much more to John F. Kennedy than the mere fact that he was assassinated. Novel programs such as the "New Frontier are necessary to understanding how they ushered in an era of unprecedented prosperity in the us. The controversy regarding his legacy on the civil rights movement and Vietnam as well as why he is criticized for his actions during the Bay of Pigs invasion need to be examined. Understanding Kennedys mindset during the Cuban missile and Berlin crisis's are essential in comprehending why he was a catalyst for change. The Early Years John F. Kennedy, referred to as JFK, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, on May 29, 1917. Born into a wealthy Irish catholic Boston family, john was the second out of nine soon-to-be successful children. "he was sickly and continued to have health problems the rest of his life. He attended private schools his whole life including the famous prep school, Choate. He then attended Harvard majoring in political science. His father was the self made millionaire and diplomat, Joseph Kennedy sr. he expected nothing but the best from his children. At an early age, the Kennedys were taught to win no matter the consequences. Joe Kennedy taught his children that first place was the only spot worthy of Kennedy praise. The win-at-all-costs attitude was reflected in the Kennedy motto: finish first (the everything John F Kennedy, Jessica McIlwraith). This characteristic of the Kennedy family had immensely influenced Kennedy's decision to run for president. The Military In 1941, Jack Kennedy followed his older brother's lead and enlisted in the navy. He was only able to enlist in the navy, after being rejected by the army for health reasons and his fathers influence. After the Japanese