
Song and Dance Journal

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Dancing Today was the first dancing practise for the International peace night. After a hot and sunny day of school, I was not too determined for a training session. Luckily, there was no dancing practise today, just an explanation of the dance performance we will be doing and organising the days which we were free in order to practise. The group was decided to be 4 people, A Japanese exchange student (Karin), a year 10 student (Takashi), Georgia Zheng (Our leader of the group) and lastly me. We planned out that we would meet up every week after school on a Wednesday. The challenge was the we did not have much time for practise until the performance night and also we were worried that school work could possibly overlap with trainings and practises, hence why we were rushing things. We all agreed that this will end up possibly unfinished and the worst way, or perform a magnificent outspending performance.   Today was the first moving lesson with our dance group. It was quite useful that Georgia had already learnt all of the moves and the performance before hand, as it made it more easier for us to learn rather than trying to learn from scratch. Georgia taught us the first couple of moves of the performance and I think we picked it up reasonably well. The timing and the formations that we need to be in were all incomplete, however this will be done at the end as the final step. It was very important that we practise at home by ourselves going through the movements, because it was quite a complex dance and remembering the moves are essential in order to progress to the step moves for the next session. We practised behind the international office as we would also view the dance on youtube, as Georgia was not too sure with some of the movements. All in all, today was not a bad training day for a first go.   Today we went through the next few moves, moving ahead after last times session. I noticed that the moves were soon becoming much more difficult and was pressured by this. I also have a chemistry test tomorrow with Georgia, so we only trained for about 45 minutes instead of an hour. However within this 45 minutes of training, I was disappointed as I was not able to remember the movements that we learnt today because I was very nervous of the Chemistry test. So I decided to quickly revise for my test and then went through the movements I had learnt today at night in my garage. It was easier than expected to learn off youtube because I realised the dance on the clip was mirrored, rather than being face on with the dance. At the end of the day, I was able to complete my task of remembering the dance moves up to the point required. I believe todays lesson lacked teamwork and communication, however I was able to initiate my own activity at home which i think was very beneficial.   Today we went up to half way of the whole dance performance within a 1.5 hour period, however just accomplishing half way was amazing. I imagined that it would take a lot longer however thanks to Georgia's useful teaching method of following along with her actions, we re now half complete. I noticed that Takashi was struggling with a lot of the moves, so I decided to meet up with him afterwards and correct some of his struggling points. I believe that this was an ethical implication I made, as it is all part of team work and communication and trying to help each other in order to accomplish the same goal, which was to finish the performance on the stage in front of the audience to show our appreciation towards internationalism and the cultures within society. I believe that we as a group and team were engaged and determined, very focused at trying to learn and accomplish the dance movements. Georgia was also quite impressed with my dance moves as she had never seen me dance before. I was trying very hard to copy georgics movements and to make my performance more effective. After coming back from a karate tournament, i had missed a couple of lessons of the dance performance. I was very very stressed because we only had a couple of weeks until the performance and I had only learnt half of the dance. Also, I was behind with the school work and assignments hence why i need to be organised from this point onwards the use my time wisely in order to accomplish everything. It was very thoughtful of my team that they each tried to help me out with the moves I needed to learn. Takashi was still confused with some of the movements so we worked together to try and complete the dance. I decided to do some dance practise at home for the next couple of days so that i could really catch up and get back on track, ready to run through the whole performance over and over with the whole team in the next dancing session. This was planning and initiating my activity, trying to prepare at my potential. Today was the day where we went through all of the movements of the performance and really tried to get in tim with each other. Luckily from my trainin

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