Ken Kesey, wrote an incredible work of art named One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. When reading this book, it reminded me of another amazing book, Being There by Jerzy Kosinski, which was also produced into a great film as well. The main character from Being There, Chance Gardiner, was a man with a Christ-like figure who was a savior for the society; the main character from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Randle McMurphy, also had a Christ-like figure towards the mental hospital. WIth their Christ-like personality, Mr. Gardiner and McMurphy went through obstacles that were alike; although they have their similarities, they both have major differences as well. McMurphy was a man who fought at bars, and through those fights he was then sent to a mental hospital. Once he entered, his Christ-like actions emphasized his importance in the hospital by creating a humanistic and livable environment. When he enters the mental hospital, he is baptized with a bath and the reader is also introduced by a man who is pinned against the wall with arms extended, just like Jesus Christ is crucified. When McMurphy enters the electroshock he is in the same position as well. This man not only goes through a similar pain that Jesus did, but he also has some joys in the book as Jesus did in the Bible. Instead of twelve disciples being taken to a fishing trip, it is twelve patients. It cannot be anymore similar to the Bible here now, McMurphy took these men to a fishing trip giving them strength and hope, something they have not received in years as well as a time away from the hell hole they were living in. Once he dies, he helps liberate the lives of the patients, just like when Jesus dies, everyone was then pardoned for their sins. As for Chance, a man who is seen as a Christ like figure, he grew up enclosed in a home gardening everyday until his caretaker died. He came from a home like the Garden of Eden, well taken care of and full of innocence. Once he