
is obesity disease

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Obesity has become epidemic health problem in developing and developed countries. There are more than 1 billion adult globally who are overweight, and 300 million are clinically obese (WHO). Obesity has become a major epidemic health problem since 1980, and over the past 20 years it has been increasing[Har09].Recent report indicates that More than one-third of adults and 17% of youth in the United States are obese ([Ogd14]. Obesity is an excess of body fat that put us at risk for major chronic disease such as, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and stroke. We not born obese , but obesity can be the result of imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure , imbalance occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure over long period.[Har09]. Although obesity has been epidemic health problem globally , researchers have not yet found the magic “pill” to cure obesity . There are many techniques and programs for weight loss , the propose of this study is to compare exercise or diet pill for weight loss for obese individual. When it comes to obesity , people look for quick fix to lose weight. In the research Obesity relationships with Community Design, Physical Activity, and Time Spent in Cars Frank and colleagues investigated the relationship of built environment compare to the amount of individual spend on walking and driving in Atlanta, Georgia region. This study was design to determine the impact of the built environment effect obesity. The result shows that individual who spend 60 minute driving everyday increase their risk of becoming obese by 6%, whereas an individual who walks .64 miles reduce their risk of obesity by 4.8%. This shows that physical activity is key factor to reduce the risk of becoming obese. The fitness/fatness study among college student population shows strong evidence the relationship between obesity and physical activity. The study examined the effect of fitness level of indi

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