
The Socialization Process

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Definition Socialisation is a process in which we learn to be a participating member of a society through our behaviours, thoughts, beliefs, emotional traits and so forth. Individuals learn to act in accordance to their expectations and that of others. Babies are born into this world without knowing who they are and the social norms of their society. However, they will grow up to be adults who knows the language, beliefs and values of the community. It started from the infant stage when babies learnt that their crying, laughing and hand gestures would make other people respond to them accordingly. Through this, they would gradually learn who they are and what is expected of them by the society. This constant exchange of interaction between members of the society is the building block of socialisation. Socialisation is important for both the society and individual. Society benefit because each new generation of its members conform to be part of it; thus accounting the continuation of the society. The individual also gains as he or she would develop a sense of self and have a personality that is exclusively his or hers. Socialisation can happen consciously or subconsciously. For an example, children are purposely taught the correct behaviours and values by their parents or teachers. However they sometimes learn from observation or imitating someone else. Agents of Socialisation Socialisation takes place through agents of socialisation. There are groups of people and organisations that help to shape an individual to form their social self. These agents of socialisation would help the individual to gain knowledge and skills to conform to the society norms and yet being unique. These agents of socialisation can be divided into two groups: formal and informal. Formal agents would have an authority or legal binding towards the socialisation of the individual. Some examples include schools, religious bodies and family. Informal agents on the o

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