Everyone has their own unique traits that make them who they are. There are also many psychologists that have theories of why we have the personality traits that make us who we are. It's only human that you are different from people you meet because no one is completely the same. Everyone is different in many different ways and there is nothing wrong with that. The five personality traits I chose basically describe me in a nutshell and I guarantee that no one will have the same traits with the same reasons. One personality trait that I have is that I am calm. I have never gotten into an altercation at school or at any other place for that matter. I don't get mad easily, which I think is a good thing because if I was a hot head then I would be getting into a lot of trouble. What I have noticed is that hot heads always have problems with other people that are hot heads so I'm glad that I am not a hot head. Another personality trait that I have is that I am talkative. I talk all the time especially with all my close friends. I'm always the first one who says something when there is an awkward moment in any case which I think is a good thing. But when I meet people for the very first time I don't talk as much which is shyness but when the awkward moment of meeting someone new is over then I talk more. A third personality trait that I have is caution. I'm always observing my surroundings and looking for anything that can be dangerous or harmful. For example, when I lived in California I went to a lake with my friends during spring break and there was a rope swing that was tied on a tree branch. All my friends wanted to go on that swing so bad but I told them not to because the branch had cracks in it and when you swing on it the branch made a loud sound so that swing was not safe at all. A fourth personality trait that I have is thoughtfulness. I'm always the one who opens the door for everyone and I do a lot of other little things like th