One of the most famous paintings of all time is the painting of "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. I will be using a four-step critique to evaluate this piece of work. The Last Supper was finished 1489. It took three years to be finished. First, I will be describing this beautiful painting by providing background information on this painting. Then I will be critiquing the painting by analyzing how Leonardo da Vinci used elements and principles of designs in it. Third, I will interpret the message behind this religious piece of art. Lastly, I will give my opinion and conclude my analysis. By using the four-step critique you will have insight on this famous iconic painting. I think that the painting is breathtaking. I find it remarkable that the disciples are all very human looking, and portray emotions on their faces. When I look at the painting I feel like thats exactly how Jesus and the disciples looked at that night. I also see and feel that is painting shows the world a huge piece of history. Leonardo de Vinci's version of "The Last Supper" is realistic to me because I can see Jesus and the disciples acting like real people. This painting also has definite artistic elements and principles used. For example, it has balance that creates interest and variety, that makes an observer feel a visual weight. The painting is asymmetrical because of how the disciples are placed. They are balanced using visual weight with the shape of the artwork. There are many different principles that was used in the painting in. Additionally, movement is also used in the painting in Jesus and the disciple's colorful clothes. Emphasis is also used because of how the painting is arranged. Jesus is in the middle, and has the disciples all around him. This catches the art critic's attention. The strongest principle that was used was balanced. I feel that every disciple was placed perfectly in the painting. Leonardo da Vinci created the painting to show