While understanding personal health, there are six major dimensions: physical wellness, social wellness, emotional wellness, environmental wellness, spiritual wellness, and mental wellness. Out of these six dimensions my strongest categories would be physical wellness, social wellness, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness, and mental wellness, however one area I need to improve would definitely be environmental wellness. Once I began the personal health assessment, and read the categories of physical, social, emotional, spiritual and mental wellness, I knew that I would excel in these categories. For physical wellness, I participated in sports in high school, and ate health. Now I continue to carry these traits while I'm in college working out, and eating the right foods for my body. For social wellness, I’m very friendly and I strive to meet new people every day, as well as to strengthen the relationships I have right now. I also have the tendency to trust everyone I have a relationship. Additionally, I'm a listener to those who need to talk about any situations. Over the years emotional wellness was a struggle when I was younger dealing with many situations; now I have understood how to control my emotions and how to handle my emotions whenever I feel mad or sad and so on. I do not use alcohol and drugs to solve my problems - I speak to friends, or dive into the word. Spiritual wellness has always been very important to maintain. I have always found it important to speak to God, and meditate in his word in order to build my spiritual relationship with God. Mental wellness has been improving over the years, as I got older I have been able to think out every situation I'm in. I find this important in order to think of all the positive and negative outcomes, in order to see if it’s worth it. These five dimensions have been considered my strongest attributes about myself, and personally I would like to improve these. However taki