Forced labor has come into the spotlight in recent years. It has been revealed that Ikea used forced prison labor to make furniture. Ikea, one of the largest furniture retailers from Sweden confessed that it benefited from the use of forced prison labor by some of its suppliers in communist East Germany for as long as three decades. The use of forced labor continued until the fall of Communism which is the end of 1989. The report concluded that Ikea managers were aware of the possibility that prisoners would be used in the manufacture of its products and took some measures to prevent this, but they were insufficient and not decisive enough. Ikea was trying to optimize it's business for profit. Ikea expressed its deepest regrets for the usage of forced prison labor, and it would donate funds to research projects looking into the use of forced labor in East Germany. Forced labor, as the name it suggests, means that a person is forced to work against their will under the threat of some form punishment. Human trafficking, slavery practices, and bonded labor are also considered as a form of forced labor. The International Labor Organization estimates that there are approximately 20.9 million people used in the act of forced labor. Relatively, little attention has been paid to this issue. Thus, too little is being done to combat this crime. Forced labor is becoming very common in private industries because they are seeking to make more profits from the exploitation of other people. Victims of forced labor are frequently from minority groups who face discrimination, and live on the rural area of the country where they are vulnerable to slavery practices. Ikea is a privately-owned furniture company from Sweden, established in 1943 and has now become the largest furniture retailer in the world. Ikea has long been famous for its very low price, some-assembly-required furniture. That is why people flocked to Ikea not only because of the simplicit