“We are all mad here,” stated the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. He couldn't have been more correct, everyone and everything is a little messed up. Even Alice, surrounded in a make believe world of her own, knew this to be true. However, in the world Norman Rockwell chose to create, people are in love with their country, religious freedom is the norm, and children grow up perfectly. Rockwell depicts this utopia through his artwork, and the resulting snapshots of life he provides are beautiful. The moments portrayed takes the viewer through life as Norman Rockwell sees it, while avoiding the imperfections of the real world. The ideals of Freedom of Speech stretch to every corner of the United States. The Constitution claims that all people are free to speak their minds. However the voices of those who appear unintelligent, impoverished, or even simply dressed are generally looked over and buffed out. In Rockwell’s world, that is not the case. The captivating piece, "Freedom of Speech," illuminates its own name. The man appears in a crowd of highly important and affluent individuals who are dressed up, while he remains in a worn jacket and flannel. His face is drawn upward, hopeful, and speaking. Those who surround him are listening, really listening. This man’s scruffy appearance is ignored and goes unnoticed while his voice touches almost everyone in the painting, creating an awe-inspiring effect which covers the crowed as well as the observer. In this piece he takes us to a place where all voices are deemed equal. Religion is a continuous war that seems to never cease; every religion believes they are correct. With true Freedom of Religion, there is no war. Rockwell transports us to a world where people are practicing their right to worship in harmony; each praying differently than their neighbor without any concern at all. Eyes are relaxed and faces are softly set. Every man and women directs their gaze intently in w