Technology is so powerful that it shapes our thinking and our way of life within no time.It is ever evolving.Technology is a tool invented and sharpened by humans to make their life easier.Those who know the correct application of technology, be it any sphere of activity, have managed to make lives easier for themselves and to some extent also for others. I feel the best technological breakthrough was the invention of computers which basically led to further advancement in technology viz the creation of many softwares and hardware. Technology has gifted mankind with various boons but look closely and you will realise that technology have blessed mankind with two very important aspects – facility of communication and creation of time. Creation of phone, fax, paging services, mobile services, video conferencing etc are few of the facilities that the human mind has been able to conceive with the aid of technology.All have played a very important part in making the world a ‘Global Village’. Technology has ensured that one can easily communicate with anyone on land, in air(aeroplanes) or even when the person is under the calm waves of dark deep-sea (submarines). But the "time creation" aspect of technology has now posed a challenge and threat which very few had ever thought of. Computers have evolved rapidly at the rate of knots. A few decades ago, a single computer was so big that it required a big room to fit in and it used to be surrounded with many fans and other cooling equipments to keep the temperatures down at functional level.Now that same computer can be carried in a pocket with an inbuilt capacity to sustain itself against any threats internal (Disk Crash) and external (Virus Attack). One of the main advertisement pointers for computers in the decades of 80’s and 90’s was its ability to save time and human efforts. Such a machine was welcomed with open arms.The ability of a computer to work on data and to en