Literature is the expressed influence of communities and societies. It spans culture, beliefs, and attributes the necessary component for corroborating how literature reflects, and portrays communities. The language from literature helps gives culture explanation of live in different society. Literature that is defined by the culture aspect, gives details about such fascinating and affluent information or context. Certain works, and words used in literature can help the reader understand and describe the sense of the community being read in the story. In addition, it is not uncommon for people to write about an imaginary community that is based from their own community. Community affects how we write; writing can also affect the community. It is clear, communities influence authors of literature and literature can influence communities. There are many ways we express ourselves and language is one major way we express ourselves. There are many different languages in our cultures. Within those culture are subculture and those subculture has different dialects. People add slang or shorten words to make the language their own. This has an immense impact on how authors write. Some authors will attempt to use proper English, but often times will use words common to their community. Another example of how a community can affect an author's writing is illustrated in The Story of an Hour. The story seems to copy a real event or at least fictionalize one. Once you research and read over the words numerous times you can begin to understand the story and how it relates to the authors target audience/community. The plot of the story opens with a description of a woman with a heart condition, this woman's name is Mrs. Mallard. Her husband has recently been in an accident or so she is informed. After being informed nervously by her sister she is overtaken by happiness. This happiness is now knowing she will live for herself! Ultimately what kills