When I was a younger, I would always see the happy cow "Got Milk? commercials with many celebrities/professional athletes on television; but was the cow in the commercials happy as the advertisement made it seem? Is milk really high in protein and good for the body? My whole life I have heard it said that milk is a perfect food in the diet for young and old. Many people assume that it should be in an everyday balanced diet because the television commercial said so. Milk isn't for everyone and goes along with important factors like, who consumes it, what type of milk you drink, and how often you ingest milk into your diet. The most common milk in any family household, which is dairy milk that comes from cows, can be a gamble. It is important to know what is inside the stuff we put into our body. The truth is that milk is a little different than what the dairy industries tells us! For some, milk can be harmful, and for others it is highly beneficial. Moreover, we are familiar with the "Got Milk?" for the last 20 years, now changed to "Milk Life commercials and milk being a huge business focusing more on finances, and which has leaded to cruelty and abuse for the cows. "Each year, federal inspectors find illegal levels of antibiotics in hundreds of older dairy cows bound for the slaughterhouse. (William Neuman) The USDA-managed programs spend $550 million to bombard Americans with slogans and hired models like these urging us to buy more animal foods. (Garlow, Ariel) We live in a milk consuming society where infants, adolescents, and adults drink milk, but not everybody's body can tolerate milk or digest it. On the other hand, the lactose which is - a type of sugar found in milk - is a trigger for lactose intolerance. (Curry, Andrew). Conventional wisdom has it that many people lack or lose the ability to digest lactose and will suffer from significant bowel cramping and even loose bowels upon consuming dairy products. My bad