American author, Mark Twain, wrote many books highly acclaimed throughout the world. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, cemented him as one of the best writers America may ever see. The novel is about Huckleberry Finn, a teenage boy whose father is a raging alcoholic. Because of his abusive relationship with his father, Huck runs away and finds an escaped slave named Jim. Instead of turning Jim in, Huck goes against society's norms and decides to help Jim gain his freedom. As they travel together, Huck learns more about Jim and starts to understand that the common stereotype of black people is wrong. Huck eventually overcomes his racist feelings against black men and realizes there is no difference between Jim and any white man he knows except for skin color. Throughout the novel, Mark Twain satirizes the types of people that are racist and the roots of racism, through the character Pap, who exemplifies the stereotypical, southern redneck racist, and through Huck who represents the common folk who are swayed by society's racist tendencies which overall, highlight the downfalls of racism. Mark Twain portrays Pap Finn as the classic racist who is uneducated, an alcoholic and an abusive father. By portraying Pap as this lowly human, Twain is demonstrating the lowliness of all racists. Pap represents all the close minded racists who hate blacks exclusively because of the color of their skin. In an early stage in the novel, Pap forces his son Huck to live with him, subjecting him to many drunken rampages. One of these times focuses on how appalled he is that a black man can vote, "There was a free nigger there from Ohio a mulatter...They said he could vote when he was at home. Well, that let me out. Thinks I, what is the country a-coming to?" (Twain 27). Twain portrays Pap so ignorantly to the point that Pap does not care how educated or white this man is. The fact that he's partially black angers Pap so much he wonders "what the count