
Felons and the Right to Vote

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As Americans, we have come a very long way, when it comes to protecting our civil rights, and choosing the right candidate to protect our country. In 1964, three civil right activist set out to set up a voter's registry for African Americans, but it was short lived because they were brutally murdered by members of the Klu Klux Klan in Philadelphia, Mississippi (IMBD). This helped to pave the road for African Americans to get out and register to vote. Not long ago, only one-third of African Americans were registered to vote, and two third of the voters were white, because African Americans was terrified of voting, or they chose not to. While voting is a right that we all have, if you have committed a crime, and it has been classified as a felon, in most states you are restricted from voting. The United States Criminal Justice System declines voting rights to felons convicted of indulging in criminal activities. The scholars who support this rule argue that felons deserve this punishment perceived as an effective crime deterrent - a lesson for potential criminals. On the other hand, another group of scholars takes the position of opposing this rule considered as inhuman, unethical, racist, thereby affecting civil liberties of individuals. The present paper will support the second position. The paper will argue that felons should have the right to vote, the fundamental right of any individual, as there is a need to disconnect disenfranchisement from criminal punishment. Since the Voting Rights Act of 1965, there has been a significant increase of voters at the polls. While three great men lost their lives over such a significant cause in Mississippi, in order for a convicted felon to vote in Mississippi, his or her state representative must personally author a bill re-enfranchising that individual. Both houses of the legislature must then pass the bill. Re-enfranchisement can also be granted directly by the governor ( ). Voting has increased significantly in the African American and Hispanic populations and due to this, President Obama, an African American, was voted into office in 2008, and is now serving his second term. There have been many protests regarding felons voting and their civil rights being violated. The United States has decided to punish felons by denying them the right to vote. In the pre modern period, this was a practice used to prevent criminal activities. Nevertheless, in the modern times there is a need to re-evaluate the practice in the light of ethical questions raised. For example, it is suggested that "Political theorists have widely asserted the importance of the right to vote as a certificate of social standing and as the basis for dignity and self-confidence  (Manza and Uggen, 49

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