
Smartphones in the Classroom

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It's Monday morning and Maria is awake getting ready for school. All of sudden she remembers she has to take a Math test. Maria's gets frustrated because math isn't her best subject and her professor specifically said no cellphones because using her phone would be cheating. A lot of schools and educators would agree that using smartphones is a distraction in class and a method of cheating. But, smartphones shouldn't be looked at in a negative perspective, according to a study done by "N.C School District" (Davis 2). Although smartphones are known to be a distraction or cheating method in classrooms, smartphones have shown to often be more beneficial than negative in terms of learning to one's ability, building confidence and also being that the phone is portable and affordable. Smartphones as a game changer for education research done by Elliot Soloway, David Nagel has not shown to be a negative impact in student's learning but often more beneficial. Elliot Soloway and David Nagel discuss why smartphones are useful in classrooms and how it can affect their learning ability. Soloway and Nagel state how students are so up to date with their phones. In which they can use their smartphones out of school and bring the skills they learn into the classroom (1). Given what Elliot Soloway and David Nagel discuss about using smartphones to help students learning ability in classrooms. It reveals how students can use smartphones to teach themselves with the knowledge they already have or learn when they're not attending school and bring them in when they actually do. Nagel also discusses how students can use outside material in class for "experiments, ideas, and also write ups" (1). It's clear how smartphones can be used in multiple ways in classrooms. Not only to solve problems but in other subjects that may involve writing and experiments. A student can apply their insight from their smartphones into any class their enrolled in. Smartphones have been proved to be more beneficial in helping students learn to their ability than being a negative aspect in the students learning, based on how they use it and how it also it helps the students as well helping them build more confidence in themselves. Smartphones in classrooms are not always a distraction or cheating method but are often positive in terms of boosting a student's. Michelle R. Davis discusses how in a research done with N.C School District have shown a positive outcome when using smartphones in the students' achievement in mathematics. She also states "Teachers say one of the biggest benefits they've seen from the use of the technology is that students confid

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