The book of Ezekiel tells us that the prophet was active during the years 593, which was when he was called to be a prophet, to about 571 BC. Ezekiel was called to prophetic ministry when he was thirty years old, this is important because the age of thirty is when a priest could being his ministry in the temple. During this time there was a lot going on in Judah. King Nebuchadnezzar II conquered Judah and ordered that the leaders of Judah be deported, thus Ezekiel and other Judahites were taken into exile in Babylon. From 597 to 587 BC there were two Judahs, one being in exile and one being in the land of Judah. This also called for two kings, Jehoiachin in exile and Zedekiah in Jerusalem. (Petersen) So it is not shocking that through the book of Ezekiel there will be signs of warning. Ezekiel was born into a priestly heritage based off of the verse, Ezekiel 1:3 "the word of the LORD came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, by the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians. There the hand of the LORD was on him. Unfortunately, Ezekiel was not able to be ordained to become a priest since he was exiled. (Petersen) Ezekiel was also described as a watchman or a sentinel. Watchman is defined twice in chapter 33: 1-6 the watchman is described to warn the people of an oncoming attack, if he warns them and they do not listen it is the peoples fault, if he does not warn them and they die he will be held accountable. The Lord denotes him as the watchman over the people of Israel. Which He then states that Ezekiel if he does not ward the people from their wickedness then he will die with them, but if Ezekiel does and the people do not listen than he shall live. (Petersen) The book of Ezekiel has been divided up into three basic sections, the judgment on Israel chapters 1-24, judgment on the nation's chapters 25-32 and future blessings of Israel chapters 33-48. (Petersen) Through the rest of this paper I will be discussing specifically chapter 37. Chapter 37 speaks about all of the blessings that God has in store for the Israelites. Contemporary Application The chapter starts out in verse one with Ezekiel saying "The hand of the LORD was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the LORD a