For my tenth grade Bible class, we were required to listen to two sermons from Pastor John MacArthur after finishing lesson two and three in our Fundamentals of the Faith book. The name of the sermon for lesson two was "How to Study Scripture." I am very happy that I got the chance to go through this workbook and get to listen to these great sermons by the best preacher on this planet. Everytime I hear Pastor MacArthur speak I learn something that I’ve never learned before. It is such a blessing being in the same town as him and hearing him teach me more about Christ and my relationship with him. This sermon was very impactful in my life as I could apply what he was teaching and work on it. This sermon taught us how we are to go through the Bible and study it. There were many points that stood out to me. The first thing that stood out was just a realization. I had heard it before but I was reminded of it. He said, “the Bible is the revelation of God, that God has written his Word for us.” The Bible is written to show people that God is real. John MacArthur tells us later that studying the Bible isn’t just reading it. We think of studying the Bible as opening up to a scripture and just reading it and thinking of what it means, which that isn’t bad but it's not completely studying it. Studying the Bible means to go over verses multiple times and break it down to completely understand it. Another point MacArthur made that really stood out to me was when he said, “It is necessary, thirdly, to study Scripture in order to prepare yourself for service." This is very touching to me. It is showed me how much more I need to be in my Bible. When I was younger and in Awana, I was memorizing Bible verses every week and knew more than I do now. After growing up and not being forced to memorize a verse, I have forgotten many of them and it is not good for me. I know that I don’t read my Bible as much as I should, but I thought it was