
Applying Maslow and Freud to Two Murderers

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I believe that both nature and nurture could be correlated.Sigmund Freuds’ theory is that through nature we are all born with an underlying darkness. That our environment, or others' influence our personality so profound that the inherent darkness of our mind comes forth. This theory has three components, The Ego, Super Ego and the Id. The Id is where the dark shadowy part of us covertly resides. This part includes instant gratification, self-satisfaction, pleasure and being instinctually driven for oneself. The Ego and Super Ego are rational and act to keep the Id in perspective. Abraham Maslows’ theory suggests that humanity is innately good, born untainted and focuses upon the assimilation of external human nurturing experiences to shape our self. A hierarchy of needs must be nurtured to reach self-actualization. Necessities such as food, love, belonging, sex, intimacy and esteem must be met in our lives to achieve self-actualization. The psychological profiles of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka are dark and fascinating to me. Using Freud’s theory and recounting a brief history of Paul Bernardo's life, it is possible that he was doomed from the start. Paul Bernardo's mother Marilyn, after suffering years of turmoil inflicted by her abusive husband Kenneth Bernardo, reconnected with a former lover and Paul Bernardo was born of this extra marital affair. The couple remained together. Paul Bernardo was 11 when his father Kenneth Bernardo was charged with child molestation and admitted to sexually abusing Paul Bernardo’s siblings. His mother became a recluse in the family’s home, and the dysfunction continued for years. The already inherent darkness, or Id within the psyche was fueled by this dysfunctional childhood. Sexual abuse, spousal abuse and unrest dominated the home contributing to Paul Bernardo's increasingly dark nature that would manifest years later in contemptible ways. In my opinion, I believe neither the superego nor the ego had a chance to develop in a healthy way to sup

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