Many people in committed unions find that one of their biggest challenges is to maintain a strong and healthy relationship with another person, but it is more difficult in a romantic relationship. Successful relationships are based on love, honesty, communication, trust, and most importantly compromise. When two people come together and choose to be together, they get married, have kids and then divorce. Most people believe that their relationship is not like others. These kinds of people also think that their partner would not cheat on them or do anything wrong. The truth is almost all relationships will not last forever. Infidelity is not new, however Americans have begun to normalize cheating. Couples should be required to receive counseling before getting married. Lust is more than pure sexual desire it can be for power, appreciation or anything else an individual really wants. Lust is a desire, craving, longing, and/or desire for what is forbidden according to. Lust could also be defined as a place of mind and not just desire. According to an online article in Moral Revolution, lust is that spot in the brain where an individual thinks. The article goes further to set examples like “Jeez, if only I could have great hair like her,” or, "I just wish that guy would look at me.” Confusion among most people is that when they think they "love" someone, it just might be lust. The article goes on to say, “I love you,” is much easier to say than, “I lust you a lot” (Team). Furthermore, in reality most relationships are based around the physical appearances and not emotion grit. The emotion "love" in the dictionary has something to do with lust but is so much more, love is an emotion bond, an unceasing emotional connection that can be attacked over and over again without giving up ground. Lust or a crush" if you will, is usually formed with little or no chance of a relationship (Swieten). Also, social media could be used to connect pe