
What Conservation Mean to Me

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What is conservation? Why would anyone go an extra mile to play a part in environmental conservation? An environmental conservationist, who is also known as a conservation scientist, is an excellent job for anyone who loves nature and wants to preserve all of earth’s natural wonders. But do you really need to be an environmental conservationist to protect the environment and the people and wildlife that live in it? The answer is no. Yes, becoming an environmental conservationist calls for knowledge and skill. A required bachelor’s degree to hold the job is not an easy feat to accomplish. Yes, it involves making an extra effort to reduce, reuse and recycle. Yes, it involves tolerance and perseverance to solve an assigned age-old problem. But must we truly have to be smart and intelligent to be able to help conserve the environment? Reflect on ourselves and think. Do we really want our children, grandchildren and generations to come to only be able to see what a tiger looks like through the internet? Do we really want to lose all the many endangered species of flora and fauna in beautiful islands like Madagascar? Unless maybe you are Doc Ork from “Spider-Man 2” or Dr. Evil from “Austin Powers” series, you would definitely not want to lose nature’s beauty that we are able to enjoy today. Even as of today, scientists have estimated that over the course of the Earth’s history, between 1-4 billion species have existed on this planet. Be it through disease, over-predation or any number of other factors, the overwhelming majority of these species are now extinct. Of these billions of species, roughly 50 million still survive in the modern era. While these numbers are certainly extreme at first glance, it serves as proof that extinction, while a sad occurrence, is a part of life for all living things. Although we cannot turn back the clock to bring back what have gone extinct, we can find ways and means Conservation is a noun. It is the act of conserving something in particular. Preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife also means conservation. Conservation means a lot to me. It means protecting what I love for who I love to enjoy. It means bringing life and indescribable joy to people everywhere. It means protecting the environment for future generations. It means giving animals and plants a chance to live. It means protecting the wide variety of life that surrounds us, including all of earth’s plants, animals, their habitats, and the natural processes that they are part of. It means managing, preserving and restoring natural resources in the environment. It means to continue preserving the beautiful face of Mother Nature. There is and never will be a definite answer to why we must conserve biodiversity. Every day, more and more answers start to emerge, but the number of new env

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