Erich Fromm was influential in synthesizing the field of psychology with social, political, and philosophical ideas. Through his many popular books, such as The Sane Society and The Art of Loving, he explored the theme of the dehumanizing effects of modern society on mankind and the actions man must take to save himself from destruction. Fromm was forced to flee Nazi Germany in 1933 and settled in the United States. Fromm studied at the University of Frankfort in 1920 , and then went on to undertake a doctorate in sociology at Heidelberg, beginning his studies in psychoanalysis. Fromm experienced a religious but cosmopolitan education. He gave lectures at universities and brought together insight from psychoanalytical approach and an appreciation of the impact of social structure. Erich Fromm wrote in his book The Art of Loving "Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve. One of the most essential aspects of humankind is the ability to be independent and free to make personal decisions and action, as long as they are within the laws of society. I believe this to be the problem man faces, described in the quote above. Man must be capable to become independent and determined to make his own decisions. This capability clearly separates humans from other living things. In Our Way of Life Makes Us Miserable written by Erich Fromm, he explains that each society and culture creates its own "social character , based on the values of what they are expected to do. Fromm begins his theory by stating that mankind has mistaken the definition of happiness that is associated with consumption. For example, advertisements allow men to believe in who they are, what they want and need, and what they are supposed to have. Luxury car companies such as Mercedes, Audi, BMW, etc. are constantly taking various approaches in order to sell their products. During the 2013 Super Bowl, Mercedes Benz launched a commercial that featured the beautiful Kate Upton. In the commercial, the new Mercedes CLA was shown being washed by a