
Oedipus - Fate and Free Will

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In ancient times, a baby named Oedipus Rex was born into royalty in the land of Thebes. Tiresias told both his parents King Laius and Queen Jocasta that their son, Oedipus, would one day in the future kill the King, his father, and marry his mother. Hearing this prophecy, Laius and Jocasta spiked one of Oedipus ankles and told one of Laius' most trusted man to leave him to die in a far away place in the middle of mountains. At a party someday, a drunken man told Oedipus that he wasn't the real son of Polybus and Merope. He asked them if this was true, but they told him it wasn't, so he went to the Oracle of Delphi who told him that he was going to lie with his mother, "producing a horrid brood" and would kill his father. Hearing this Oedipus fled from Corinth towards Thebes where he came at a crossroad with an elderly man and his servants where they began to quarrel over the right of way, which led him to end up killing everyone including the old man except Laius' man who escaped and reported the news to Jocasta. Later on, the land faces a huge downfall and Oedipus seeks the oracle through Tiresias who told him he was the criminal he was seeking for. Jocasta killed herself and Oedipus stabbed his eyes out, and then later killed himself believing there was no better in this world for him. In todays world, humans often argue if it is either fate or free will that controls a mans destiny. Ultimately, fate leads a man in his choices, his actions, and his future (Sophocles and Mulroy 93-96). Human beings at one point in life have to make certain choices in life in order to justify something that's currently happening or going to happen. Those choices that were made predict what will happen next in the future. King Laius and Queen Jocasta made a terrible decision sending their child far away and spiking his ankle thinking that it was the best idea to avoid the fate they were going to face in the years to come. If they both had just chosen

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