Eighteen out of fifty states have come to the realization that same sex marriages should be just as legal as opposite sex marriages. The definition of marriage is the diverse forms of unions that form a familial bond that is recognized legally, religiously, and socially. It is not stated that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. I believe it is out of date that anyone should believe that a marriage is not real if it is not a man and a woman. I believe that gay marriage should be legal everywhere as well. I think a marriage should be defined based on if the couple is committed to each other romantically and legally not based on if they are a man and a woman. It is estimated that about 25% of Americans are homosexuals. This percentage is not including the Americans that are gay but still "in the closet." Lots are too afraid to come out, from maybe previous reactions of others coming out. Families could disown them, friends can disappear, or jobs can be more difficult to get. Our society does not make it very comfortable to be openly gay. Many teens have suffered from this. 28% of homosexual teens have reported to have suicidal thoughts or depression verses the 12% of heterosexual teens. If the acceptance of being gay or gay marriage can spread to the entire United States or even better the world, then suicidal and depression rates will go down along with mortality. It is said and well known that married people live longer lives than single people. They also tend to contract less diseases or health issues such as, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, depression or stress. If all these facts are well known and studied why would anyone want to take away someone's right to marriage which can be argued that they are taking away their chance to live a longer, happier life? Judge Timothy Black of Ohio wanted Ohio to allow married, gay couples to have on their death certificates that they are married. His idea stemmed from two ga