
Differences Between High School and College

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Although many people may think that college is simply just another year above high school and is appears to very easy it is not. I have been in college for almost 5 months now and I have realized many distinct differences. Some people transition from high school to college very easily while others have a very hard time. I have many things that I enjoyed about high school but I can definitely say that I enjoy college entirely more. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the high school and college levels of time management, responsibility, and peer pressure. In high school you don't have as much freedom as you do in college a key example is having to always raise your hand to go to the restroom. In college you should never interrupt the class to ask to use the restroom it is considered extremely rude and disrespectful. You should always walk out of class to use the restroom as well as to make phone calls. In high school you got away with alot of things also like forgetting homework. Teachers would most likely let you bring the homework in after class or maybe even the next day if you got lucky. In college there are no excuses you either did the homework or you didn't. Many times teachers will tell you that no late work is accepted and there is no exceptions. In high school you had way more homework than you do in college. You might of had 15 homework assignments a semester there as in college you might have 4 or 5 an entire semester. College takes a lot more of getting adjusted to than high school. In college teachers might have 4 test throughout the entire semester that determines your entire grade. Many people are not good test takers so this affects there GPA's very badly.It makes many people feel as if they are poor students and aren't really cut out for the college life. I had a friend who studied all night and still made a D on a test. It wasn't that she didn't know the material it was just how it was worded on the test that she didn't understand. I also had another friend who didn't do so great on the same test because she had missed class on the day the teacher gave out the review because she just didn't feel like going to class. This brings me to my next point that in college no teacher car

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