I am a Chinese fan of Jeremy Lin. One of the reasons that I like him is that we have the same ancestry --- he is Asian American and I am Chinese. In your article "The Fallacy of Racial Representation," you consider this kind of favor as discrimination. And as a fan of Jeremy Lin's talent, you state that favoring an individual because his/her ethnicity matches our own is also discrimination. You base your ideas on the assumption that one's success has nothing to do with his/her ethnicity. However, as a fan who is inspired by my idols that share the same ancestry as mine, I think that paying more attention to someone or favoring someone because of his/her ethnicity is not discrimination. Instead this kind of favoritism can bring something positive to the fans themselves. Also from my observation, I believe you wrongly assume that ethnicity has no connection with one's success and a person is not supposed to represent one ethnicity. I hold the idea that racial representation is acceptable, sometimes even beneficial. You start out mentioning February is a month related to race and also "Linsanity." Based on your assumption that rooting for someone for his/her ethnicity is discrimination, you complain that Jeremy Lin's Asian ethnicity "unfortunately brought him an extra dimensionality to his winnings in NBA. Then you provide the example that Asian American community take pride in Lin's success because they think that his success can represent the whole Asian American community. However, in your opinion, you hold the assumption that it is wrong to assume that a person can represent one ethnicity. You believe that "favoring someone because his/her ethnicity matches our own" should also be considered discrimination. For example, you talk about the ancestry-based feeling about Griffin's success, which may lead to racism. Then you compare this example to Jeremy Lin's success nowadays to claim that Asian-American pride in Lin's success is no difference from Griffin's example but racism. To consolidate your point, you provide the example of Barack Obama. You state that Barack Obama's success is not "a refl