
The Literary Elements of Beowulf

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What makes someone a hero? Different kinds of heroes are found in almost every society and culture. Whether he or she is to perform a marvelous, unforgettable act or is admired by the society, every society has its own definition of a hero. The Anglo-Saxons who conquered Britain from 450 to 1066 have their own version of a hero just like any other society. A hero in their eyes should be brave, loyal, and honorable to his tribe or kingdom. These characteristics are known as the Anglo-Saxons core values. One of the most famous heroes of Anglo-Saxon is Beowulf. “Beowulf” is about a man, who is summoned by King Hrothgar to save the kingdom and the mead hall, Heorot, from a monster who is terrorizing Hrothgar’s people and threatening their lives and their way of life. “Beowulf” does not only contain the core values of the Anglo-Saxons but also portrays the archetypal characteristics of an Epic Hero. Beowulf, the protagonist and epic hero excels in skill, strength, intelligence, values and glory, and seeks immortality. Beowulf portrays these characteristics in his conversations, quarrels, and quests. Beowulf also gives off a mood of hope and security. The entire epic poem uses literary devices, sound effects, motifs, Anglo-Saxons values, and multiple themes to depict the Anglo-Saxon society and its views. The poem “Beowulf” is set in a kingdom, in which a monster terrorizes the people and destroys the bond of its community. Herot’s king, Hrothgar, calls upon a noble warrior named Beowulf. Beowulf is an unmatched warrior who is far better than any other Anglo-Saxon warrior in combat, skill, and bravery. He takes on Grendel, the monster, with a scheme to await its attack during the night and counter its attack before it has a chance to attack Beowulf. The plan succeeds and Grendel flees back to his lair with a fatal wound. Later, Grendel’s mother seeks revenge for her son, Beowulf is summoned again for another quest. After he infiltrates Grendel’s mother’s lair, Grendel’s mother and he quarrel and once again Beowulf triumphs. He then finds Grendel lying on the ground and decapitates him to confirm Grendel’s death. After that Beowulf is crowned king and retains the throne for years. Many years later, Beowulf’s kingdom is under threat by a dragon, Beowulf initiates a quest immediately to slay the dragon. He takes eleven men with him to fulfill the mission. During his fight with the dragon, Beowulf realizes that he is overpowered by the dragon and knows that he cannot win this fight alone. After all his men flee, one brave warrior remains to help the elder Beowulf to slay the dragon. After the dragon is slayed Beowulf is fatally wounded and makes his last request. The brave and loyal warrior, Wiglaf, is crowned king after Beowulf passes away. Throughout the epic poem multiple techniques and devices are used to express Anglo-Saxons views and values, and are values of Beowulf’s skill and power. One of the literary elements used is a foil. A foil is a character who contrasts another character to indicate and portray certain characteristics. In the poem multiple foils are present to boast Beowulf’s character. For instance, in the mead hall, Beowulf is criticized by Unferth, a jealous man. Unferth teases Beowulf about a competition which Beowulf lost. However, Beowulf replies by saying what he did was an act of honor and bravery. Another event is with Grendel, throughout the entire poem, Grendel was described as a monster from hell who is very powerful and undefeatable. Beowulf came along and when he encountered Grendel, he defeated it with ease. The idea that Grendel is extremely powerful and that Beowulf slayed him with ease on his first encounter, shows Beowulf unmatched power. Now notice the word “hell” is used in this poem. Hell, is not a pagan belief, but a Christian belief. Which not only indicates that there are Christian elements in this pagan poem, but this is also known as an allusion. An allusion is a reference to a statement, person, place, or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, mythology, politics or popular culture. Now the reference to hell above, is an allusion which is coming from religion. The poem at the time it was taking place was nowhere near the time of Christianity. This indicates that the poem was somehow edited and Christian elements were input into the poem. (Anglo-Saxons: A Brief History) An allegory is a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. Throughout the poem, Beowulf, the hero, has many battles. His opponents are Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon. Eventually it is evident that these monsters do not actually exist. They are just symbols, or in a more literate term, allegories of the real enemies and fears of the Anglo-Saxons. It is not only the monsters that were fictional symbols, but Beowulf, the hero, is not quite exactly who he is portrayed. Beowulf

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