Apoet Carleton Noyes once stated, "The human heart has always dreamed of a fairer world than the one it knows. Humans have always yearned for something they cannot have; they crave for the idea of a perfect life." The truth of the quote can be supported through the analysis of the play "A Streetcar Named Desire," by Tennessee Williams, by the conflict that Blanche endures with Stanley and symbolism. The use of conflict can be portrayed through Tennessee Williams play by showing the reader that, all though their situation may be tough to face, they will believe in themselves and try to make the situation better. When Stanley was involved in a poker game with his friends, he became annoyed with the loud music being played by his wife Stella and her sister Blanche. Resulting from his annoyance he barges in the room and demands them to turn it off, when they do not, he throws it out the window, causing an argument between him and Stella. Amidst the fight, Stanley hits Stella and she leaves. "You lay your hand on me and I'll..." [She backs out of sight. He advances and disappears. There is the sound of a blow. Stella cries out.] (57). Instead of leaving Stanley, Stella, filled with lust, runs back to Stanley forgiving him for his actions. Stella wants Stanley to be the perfect husband and believes that he will never hurt her again, but he has animalistic behaviour. Stanley needs to feel dominate and overpowering towards Stella, so she will never have the perfect life she yearns for. Stella constantly dreams of a fairer world with Stanley. Towards the end of the play, Blanche has her birthday, making it a convenient time for Stanley to give her a one way ticket back to her hometown Laurel, where she was outcast by everyone. Blanche then tried to make the situation appear to be better than it actually was. "What telegram! No! No, after!" (128). Sadly, Blanche and Stanley knew that her situation was destitute and she had lost everythin