
Father-Son Relationships in Hamlet

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In the play, "Hamlet," by William Shakespeare you are exposed to various father and son relationships. These allow you to learn how the core of any relationship can significantly impact your faithfulness to one another. This is proven to be true in the strong relations between Hamlet, Laertes, and Fortinbras with their natural fathers. Additionally, this is displayed through the frail relations between Hamlet and King Claudius, after the death of his real father and marriage to his mother. The only strong relationships are the ones between the sons and their biological fathers. From the opening act, you are presented with the cracks in the relationship between Hamlet and King Claudius, his uncle and stepfather. Only a short two months have passed by since the death of Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, and he is mourning the death. While Hamlet is allowing himself to feel the pain and recover from the death of his father, King Claudius is living what he believes, to be a wonderful life. Claudius has not only married Hamlet's mother Queen Gertrude, but has also taken over the throne, to become King of Denmark. These actions by Claudius did not sit well with Hamlet, as Claudius is the polar opposite of his father. Claudius is not pleased that Hamlet is still mourning his father's death after two months believing he should move on, and celebrate the marriage of himself to Queen Gertrude. These actions by Claudius show that he is cold-hearted towards Hamlet, and does not have compassion towards him. Meanwhile, Hamlet has a conversation with a ghost who is believed to be his father as he is dressed in the armor of a solider. During this conversation Hamlet learns that his father may have not died of natural causes, but was poisoned by his brother Claudius while sleeping. The ghost asks for Hamlet to kill King Claudius, and avenge his father's death. Though there is no solid evidence that the accusation against Claudius is true, Hamlet is willing to discover the truth, taking action if necessary. If the claim against Claudius is true, Hamlet's willingness to murder his step-father, shows the true loyalty he has for his biological father; even if he is dead. With the knowledge that Hamlet has gained from the ghost, he quickly realizes that he must change his normal ways in order to learn the truth. Hamlet puts on an antic disposition, in order to gain any new proof that Claudius may have murdered King Hamlet. Shortly after, his strange actions are noticed by Claudius. Claudius is determined to find out why Hamlet is acting abnormal. He uses Hamlets friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as bait, but fails to gain any information because Hamlet sensed something was off. The distrust between Claudius and Hamlet is when he sets up a meeting between Hamlet and his girlfriend Ophelia; Hamlet spies on them. Hamlet knows he is being spied on, and acts way out of character to avoid Claudius from sensing his suspicion of the murder. Hamlet then decides to turn the tables. He sets Claudius up by having the play

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