Immigration has transformed America into what it is today. Prosperity and availability of better opportunities are the main reasons that make individuals leave their nations and come to the United States to look for a more refined lifestyle (Ender 44). The immigrants in the United States originate from diverse nations, have varying skin colors, and converse in different languages; however, all these individuals have the will to construct better lives for themselves and for their forthcoming generations (Ender 44). The following text will discuss the causes and outcomes of legal and illegal immigration into the United States. Many individuals from various nations migrate into the U.S. in pursuit of political and social liberty (Ender 47). This is because several nations in the universe comprise of governments that are corrupt and too controlling; hence, making life unbearable for the minorities. In such countries, minorities with different religions or those opposing the government find it hard to live in the country because they are intimidated, oppressed, and at times killed. This makes them live in fear and without any hope; thereby they leave their nations so that they can escape such cruelty and obtain independence. Of all the nations in the universe, America is the most liberal that respects diverse political refugees and assists them with psychological counseling and financial help (Ender 49). Moreover, the constitution safeguards the existence of refugees, and it has all the necessary resources to assist them with new beginnings. The next important cause of migrating to the United States is that individuals are aware of the vast employment opportunities in the nation. Several countries in the universe have underdeveloped economies and poorly structured markets. Therefore, the individuals within these nations are confined by the economic conditions the governments enforce on them. These individuals are forced to work very hard to maintain their jobs and be responsible for their families. Therefore, this means they have to endure long working hours and harsh working conditions with meager salaries. Because of such conditions, the only hope they have is to leave their nation and relocate to the United States for better work opportunities. The United States’ job market is diverse and has something for several individuals with various skills. Well-educated individuals will often find employment in the disciplines they are skilled in (Hall, VanMetre, and Vedder 207). In addition, even individuals that cannot speak English but are willing to work hard can find jobs within the United