
Technology and the American Work Force

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Everyone in the world whether rich or poor, has to work in order to be financially stable. There are an endless amount of jobs in the world, ranging from construction to doctors. Every job in the world contributes to the world economy in different ways. In the United States, Americans are split into 3 different categories depending on the type of job that they have. They are either a routine worker, an in person server, or a symbolic analyst. The salaries between these groups are different, and will continue to widen. Symbolic analysts get paid considerably more than the routine workers, and in person servers. The symbolic analysts are getting richer, while the routine workers and in-person servers are getting poorer due to technological advances. This process of increasing riches for the rich, and increasing poverty for the poor will continue in the future because the competition with other workers in foreign companies. Technological advances have greatly affected the routine workers. Routine workers usually work in factories owned by big companies. As technology began to advance, state of the art machinery could be installed in any country in the world. This was the beginning of the end for the routine workers. Since machinery could be installed anywhere in the world, companies began looking into the idea of moving their factories to other countries. Routine workers were in heavy competition with routine workers of other nations. Robert Reich's, "Why the Rich Are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer," discusses how major companies began hiring routine producers in foreign countries. Reich writes, "Until the late 1970s, AT&T had depended on routine producers in Shreveport, Louisiana, to assemble standard telephones. It then discovered that routine producers in Singapore would perform the same tasks at a far lower cost." Companies such as AT&T are moving their assembly factories to other nations where their workers can do the same task

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