Volunteer tourism creates a connection between first world and third world countries. It gives people a reason to travel to potentially undesirable holiday destinations, and allows the volunteer tourists to feel a sense of community in a different country. This acts as a reward for all the generous work they put in to helping others. It also makes the volunteers feel more grateful for what they have; giving them an incentive to help others in the future. Some may argue that volunteer tourists are volunteering primarily for their own piece of mind and satisfaction. However I fail to see the problem with volunteer tourists personally benefitting from their experiences. It can lead to exposing the issues of poverty, and the volunteer may become less selfish from their experience. The exposure can humanize issues that are often glossed over by the media and western society. Volunteer tourism is seen to have strong links with sustainable tourism. It can offer a sustainable alternative to the consumptive trends of mass tourism, while creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the host community and the volunteer. "If a man is a given a fish he eats for a day, if a man is taught to fish he eats for a lifetime." This is the aim of volunteer tourism and it can be taken both literally, or hypothetically. Volunteer tourism can provide long term solutions to major issues that third world communities face daily. When a volunteer travels across to these communities, their aim is not to give them a fish, their aim is to teach them how to fish. An organisation called Hands up is an example of this idea. Hands Up sends out people of all ages, to various different places in need. While on one of these trips, the group of volunteers traveled to a rural part of India. On this trip they discovered that girls were no longer attending school because there was no bathroom. In oder to boost the number of girls attending school, Hands Up built a toil