
Losing a Best Friend

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When I was thirteen years old I lost my best friend, Jessica. It's a day I will never forget. Almost every detail is as fresh as it was the day it happened. It was a Monday, I was in middle school. I remember getting on the bus and feeling very strange and thinking to myself, "did I wear this outfit to school yesterday? I brushed off the strange feeling when I concluded that no I did not because it was indeed Monday. I got to school went to my locker like normal and then went to my homeroom where I sat and talked to my friend. I remember asking if she had seen Jessica because I was waiting for her to get there. Jessica and I always went to get breakfast from the cafeteria together in the mornings. I figured she was just running a little late and decided to sit and talk with my friend a little more. While sitting there talking to my friend another classmate ran into my homeroom class and was shouting "Jessica just collapsed out in the hallway!  to which everyone in the class rushed out into the hall while I'm yelling back at her "Which Jessica!" to which she replied "Batdorf." I remember pushing through the crowd of kids circled around her lying on the ground. My teacher was holding her telling everyone to get back to class. My two other best friends were standing there with us; my teacher told the other teacher in the hall to call the nurse and again told us to return to our classrooms. We all did as we were told and I sat by the door of my classroom so I could keep an eye out. I watched out the windows next to the door as the nurse came up the elevator and started to perform CPR on her. The guidance counselor seen my friend and I watching and came into the room and told me that Jessica was going to be fine and that I needed to return to my seat. She told me they were taking Jessie to the hospital and her mom was on her way. I remember seeing Dawn's car pull up out front and watched her run into the building and her crying as she seen her daughter laying there. At that moment all I wanted to do was leave the room and hug her and go with them to the hospital

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