Over the last couple decades, cigarette use has decreased drastically; while people's knowledge of the harm of cigarettes has been increasing. With this, cigarette sales have also been on the decline. This leads into this intriguing Camel cigarette ad, intriguing due to how different it is than any other cigarette ad. This ad shows three different pictures with a single word in the center of each picture. The first picture is a close up of a match striking flame on a match box with "passionate in the center. The second picture is of a young woman in a feather party mask with "inspired in the center. The last picture shows a man and a woman sitting down playing the piano smoking cigarettes with "original" in the middle. At the bottom and out of the way is the Surgeon General's Warning. This ad was found in the July 2014 issue of Peoples magazine. This ad is interesting because it does not try to portray cigarettes as "cool" or "attractive" like many cigarette ads have done in this past; instead this ad seems to not focus on cigarettes at all, and instead focuses on the three positive words in the center of each picture. With anti-smoking campaigns and anti-smoking ads speaking so loudly to the world about the dangers of cigarettes, the number of smokers is dropping every day; eventually leading to the downfall of cigarettes. This Camel ad appears to paint a picture of bliss and creativity, by using cheerful words and a fun environment. Yet the positive words and vibes this ad presents to the public, has absolutely no meaning or value that the cigarettes possess. The main target of this ad seems to be the ad skippers; the ones who give a quick glance at the ads, then continues on to read the next article about "who got a funny haircut" or "how to make a raspberry cheesecake." Anyone who gives anything more than a quick glance at the positive words will see that Camel is using these words to steer the reader's attention away