
The Misfit in A Good Man is Hard to Find

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In "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," events are told from the grandmother's point of view, making her the central character of the story. We see at the beginning of the story that she considers herself to be a lady. First by her description of her traveling outfit in comparison to what the mother wore "slacks...still had her hair tied up in a green handkerchief." Then by her mindset that if there were to be an accident, "anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady. The question she asks of the Misfit, "You wouldn't shoot a lady, would you?  clearly states this. Further into reading the story we see she has very "un-ladylike" qualities. Right from the beginning her being self-centered is shown by her trying to get a pre-planned vacation destination changed. "She wanted to visit some of her connections "...and she was seizing at every chance to change Bailey's mind. Further on in the story it is shown again by her getting Bailey to change course to stop at a plantation house. The children are used as an aid in this by her craftily telling them "There was a secret-panel in this house,  which, not being true, shows that she has no problem being dishonest to get what she wants. The grandmother also thinks of herself as morally superior to others. This is shown when she tells Bailey that she wouldn't take her children in the direction that "a criminal like that  was loose in. "I couldn't answer my conscience if I did. It seems she is pointing out how morally superior she is in just this one statement. The grandmother's desire to return to the past, when people were nice, respectful and trustworthy are shown in her conversation with Red Sammy. "These days you don't know who to trust  he says as he sits down at a table next to the family. He tells them of how "two fellers  had stolen gas the week before by charging and never coming back to pay. "Now why did I do that?  he asks. "Because you'

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