
Young Adults' Reliance on Technology

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Technology is an essential part of young adults' daily lives. Through technology we can communicate with our loved ones and send and receive emails, messages and calls. Over the years technology has impacted the lives of people all over but young adults have become prone to have technology in their lives. Young adults use technology more now than ever before because technology has become portable with iPhones, androids, tablets and more portable devices that have the access to internet and WIFI. As a young adult I myself personally know first hand that we as a generation of upcoming adults use technology as if it was the sole survivor in order for us to live. We have become so prone to technology that we can be in the same room as a person and will still use a cellular device to communicate with them because of the lack of vocal communication between individuals. Being technology-prone can cripple the society. Having been so used to using technology to communicate with each other, when it comes time for an actual face-to-face conversation it reflects that. When a person talks and they use acronyms and poor grammar to speak it shows a lack of educational value, seeing that nowadays this generation spends most of their time on social networks tweeting and posting Instagram pictures rather than studying and paying attention in school. I recently read about an experiment at a high school and college where students were required to not use technology for 24 hours. Students at the high school stated that they felt as if they were missing out on life not having their cellphones and laptops. Being reliant on technology can be very useful to young adults, especially ones attending college. Some professors use social networks and other technological ways to communicate and teach the students and by students being reliant on technology its gives them the upper hand because they have the knowledge to work with the technology. Using technology y

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