Art has changed over the years. It has evolved and new doctrines arrive with the changes in design. I will compare and contrast between art and design. The legend of graphic design, Milton Glaser says that the role of art is to transform the viewer; when you experience a work of art, you become a different person. Art is what humans use to understand what is real. Design doesn’t have such intention. It isn't transforming the viewer. Design is created to accomplish a task, but at the same time a design is apart of a piece of art. Design can reach out to a bigger purpose. I will compare the work of the artist, Marcel Duchamp, with the work of designer, Karim Rashid. Though their subject matter is very different, there some striking similarities. Marcel Duchamp was one of the pioneers of the dada movement, that lead the art world to graphic design and printing art works. For example let’s compare "Inventing Abstraction," 1910–1925 by Marcel Duchamp and "Info Rug, Limited Edition," 2013, "Inventing Abstraction," 1910–1925 by Marcel Duchamp is a sculpture instructional piece. It shows how the aesthetics of art began to change. This work is very abstract, but it has a concept engraved on it. The piece tells the viewer exactly how to look at it. Peering through the convex lens implanted in the work’s glass, "for almost an hour,” would have a hallucinatory effect. Duchamp describes his piece like a window to a new world. The transparency and the shapes used, gives you the illusion of space and depth. In this piece, composition of the lines and forms evoke a 3-dimensional effect. They are created by the use of the shapes, color, and the lens. This was something that was very innovative for the time. "Info Rug, Limited Edition," 2013, by Karim Rashid is something from everyday life, that we never imagine could have so much meaning. This abstract piece originates from Rashid’s vision to engage the modern principles of design. Th