"Blinded by love" is a figure of speech used when a person in love doesn't see many of the flaws that the other person may have or block critical thinking. It's amazing how love or any type of emotion can interfere with rational decision making. For instance in the story "Songs of the Ten Thousand," a local boy fell in love with a city girl and was determine to win her love. Although they never met, he eventually took some extreme choices to get bigger gifts' for her in order to impress her and win her love. It was clear that the city girl was more interested on material things instead of the hillbilly, it's sad how he wasn't able to notice it before committing crimes. The first time the hillbilly boy saw the city girl he instantly fell in love with her. The hillbilly had a burning passion toward this city girl and was determine to get her at whatever cost. He was too shy to speak to her so he tried impressing her with his abilities to fish. With his hard work he presented her with a fish she smiled and said, "I don't like fish." Although the hillbilly thought fishing would win her over, the city girl didn't acknowledge him nor his fishing skills. The madly in love hillbilly did anything he could just to make this girl fall in love with him, he didn't give up till he ended up facing big consequences. The hillbilly moved out so he could afford a decent car and buy an engagement ring. When he came back home 2 years later he went straight to see her and proposed, she said, "thank you but she couldn't accept the engagement ring, as the diamond was kind of small. The desire of being with this girl became too strong leading the hillbilly to become desperate and rob a bank to steal a big luxury car and buy a big ring just to impress her and finally win her over. At this point the hillbilly should had listen to his morals instead of his emotions. When he went back to see the girl she had her dad call the cops and throw him in jail for the