"Getting through the nights is the toughest part. Being alone. Not having anyone there to talk to." Josie from Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult was Peter's only friend but she stopped talking to him because she was now popular. Peter was driven completely insane and Josie was the one to blame. Peter was very close friends with Josie, but that changed in sixth grade. "Josie pressed her lips together and let the tampon roll from her outstretched fingers onto Dolores' desk. 'oops,' she said, and when Matt Royston laughed, she went to stand behind him" (158). This was the turning point of the book. This quote showed how Josie is now starting to follow the popular crowd. Peter and Josie were close friends since they were young. They would be at each others house and defend one another in fights. This changed when Josie realized that she rather be with the group that picks on Peter than with Peter himself. If Josie would have continued to be nice to Peter and didn't leave him to be with the popular crowd it would not have been the same. He wouldn't have executed the school shooting. Peter just wanted to talk to Josie, but Josie was now with the popular crowd."'Josie,' he said,'can we talk for a minute?' 'No,' she said flatly (217). Peter feels like he has no one to talk to and trust. The majority of the time Peter was lonely. He just wanted to be friends with her and now she decided to not talk to him. He didn't have a lot of things to look forward to. Josie ignored Peter daily and stayed away from him as much as she could. Josie could have just talked to him once in a while and it would have made a huge impact. Peter needed Josie because without her he didn't have someone making his life worth while. Josie started ignoring him because she was being a follower and was too worried about her new reputation. "'Because when I was nice to you, you thought we were friends.' ˜But we are friends,' he replied. Josie had faced him, 'you don't ge