Lee Billings captures the current state of affairs associated with the search for exoplanets and life beyond our solar system. He creates a detailed picture that includes the history of this search up through its present-day composition, and the final composition resembles a hopeless mess. Billings discusses the theoretical thought that is given to how much time we have left on this planet and the consensus is far shorter than the total years remaining in the life of the sun. To this end, some discussion is given to greenhouse gasses and their ultimate effect on the planet. This discussion points out the irony of our present-day manmade infusion of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere in relationship to the mechanisms for earth's path towards inhabitability. The 4.5 billion years of "deep time" revealed by Earth's geological record inspires Billings to pull out all the rhetorical stops. He goes on saying that; "A planet becomes a vast machine, or an organism, pursuing some impenetrable purpose through its continental collisions and volcanic outpourings. A man becomes a protein-sheathed splash of ocean raised from rock to breathe the sky, an eater of sun whose atoms were forged on an anvil of stars" (Billings 144-45). There is both good and bad news here. The good news, Billing's reports, is that even if we burn up all the fossil fuel, we are unlikely to tip Earth into a runaway greenhouse world. The bad news is the planet is going to become uninhabitable anyway. Long before the Sun burns out, Earth's core will cool off and volcanoes, which restore the atmosphere, will cease. The amount of carbon dioxide will fall to levels too low to support photosynthesis in half a billion years or so. The fact that we have seen more abiotic changes on Earth's, humans still lived their lives ignoring the lessons of the past, we haven't take any action and it seem that we don't care on what could happen with the planet. The grass will grow, the