Topic I. Describe a circumstance, obstacle or conflict in your life and the skills and resources you used to resolve it. Did it change you? If so how? Response As a younger child, I couldn't help but notice the difference in my friend’s families to mine, the massive age gap in my mother to their mothers or the odd fact that they had two parents rather than my one. As I aged, I realized the unique qualities with my tight knit family. My mother had me during her senior year in high school and went on to raise me during her time meant for college. My mother had to grow up in such a short span of time that is caused me to grow up as well. As I got older times got tougher. My mother and father didn't work out as suspected with the many statistics of teen pregnancy, therefore I had to sit back and watch men flutter in and out of my life. Some there shorter than I liked while others there longer than I had ever possibly hoped. From the heartbreak after my ninth birthday, I remember being my mom’s crying shoulder and having to pick up the pieces and take care of my sister and myself. Life has always been a struggle in my house, but today it has made me ever so grateful for the opportunities that I've had the joy in experiencing. Today I stand on my own, and this experience of life has made me a rather strong independent woman but I am ever so grateful for my mother. She has been my best friend from day one and I can't help but appreciate everything that she has done for me. Topic II. Choose an issue of importance to you-the issue could be personal, school related, local, political, or international in scope-and write an essay in which you explain the significance of that issue to yourself, your family, your community, or your generation. Response In some ways we have evolved as a society but when it comes down to it we still have our low points. One of the main in my eyes being equal rights. Within the past few months I had the joy