
The Tyranny of Andrew Jackson

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Andrew Jackson was elected to the presidency on March 4th, 1929, and life for the everyone under his reign would change drastically. Andrew Jackson had been promoted as the person that was for the "common man because he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth," but his policies did very little to improve the lives of those that were affected by his decisions. Most of his choices as president ended up doing more harm than good as time progressed, When Jackson entered office he committed himself to addressing several things such as improving the economy, dealing with the natives in Georgia, improving the military, and paying off the national debt. Jackson used his power to carry out everything that he had on his presidential agenda no matter the means to his end he would have to take. He used power selfishly by using his high position to empower his close friends. Jackson also showed he was inferior to no one when he ignored the Supreme Court and denied states rights with threats. Jackson was a tyrant during his presidency and made decisions that would leave the lives of some people in absolute shambles. I will prove this bold statement by providing multiple accounts in which Andrew Jackson used his power as president in ways that can only be described as a tyrant. When president Jackson first entered the presidential office, he didn't feel it would be right if he were to forget his close friend and supporters. Jackson used his power as the president to give everyone that was close to him a job in politics. Before he was elected, Jackson had promised to those that had supported him that he would give them some sort of job. Surprisingly, he honored every single promise. Jackson replaced almost one thousand people with some of his closest friends, family, and those that supported him with his political career. Almost 10% of government officials lost their jobs and were replaced by those who were dedicated to the president. Jackson was the very first president to implement the spoils system which basically went as, the winner of the election was able to relish in the spoils. Senator William L Marcy once claimed "to the victor belongs the spoils" and as the victor president, Jackson made sure to reap every spoil he could. Mr. President was very fickle with his choosings however, and the second he discovered he didn't like you, you were immediately removed from your position. Because of this Jackson had several different cabinets for a president

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