
Haavamaal and the Ten Commandments

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People today live by set laws, morals and etiquette that has been introduced by society. Different societies in the world has been characterized by a great cultural hundredfold, and we can find influences from cultures and sources several thousand years old. Examples are Judaism and Christianity its maxims with influences from the several thousand years old source "The Ten Commandments" and the Nordic culture in the 1000s with the source "Haavamaal." In this article I will explain the examples above its influence on people throughout the world. The Ten Commandments should be all men maxims and laws on how to behave in order to get to heaven. The first four commandments about how we humans should relate to God, and the last six commandments reviewing how we should relate to each other live peacefully and well. With a first impression of all the bids they look easy to disentangle, but when one should try to follow been only bids every day to every detail becomes problematic. Imagine that your friends are going out to the movies and you want to join, but you are not allowed by your parents. They think it's too late at night to be out. You will therefore be annoyed and angry with your parents, and starts complaining about how much kinder parents friends are. Behaving one themselves so then breaks he or she Fifth bude Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother. Therefore do not work this bude in common with most of the Ten Commandments as laws, but only maxims. In the world today we find much evidence of the Ten Commandments. We find no laws or written rules on how to behave towards their parents, but because of the old maxims so has the fifth commandment incorporated in ethics and moral philosophy that the whole world has today. We find all the commandments about how we should relate to each other in today's ethics, even two of them are found in legislation throughout the world. The two bids is the sixth commandment "Thou shalt not steal."

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