Ever since I was five, my biggest fear was being alone- not like being left alone with no one in the house, or driving home by myself. I'm talking about the emotional part- the part where you don't have anyone to talk to, or anyone to be here for you. I struggled for a long time, with the life I was living, without any help and without anyone being here for me; even my parents didn't even support me. Like in the song "The Last Night, they said that it was just a phase and I would get over it in a couple of years. The lyrics in this song, the band, and the meaning behind how I found the song are all important in why I love this song so much. I will never forget this song, for the rest of my life, and how good it makes me feel. Skillet is the band that created the song "The Last Night." The band started as a Christian rock band and they add Christian references into their songs, but eventually they just went to rock and left out the Christian part. Jen Ledger is the main drum player and she also does vocals. John Cooper is the lead singer, and Korey Cooper, his wife, is rhythm guitar and keyboard. Seth Morrison is the lead guitarist, and he's been with the band for almost the entire time the band has been together. The band started in Memphis, Tennessee in 1996. They have produced four albums since 1996. The band has been together for almost 18 years and it is amazing how long, and well, they've worked together. I went more in depth with the lyrics, and as a result I became more aware of my feelings. Korey, the drummer, from the band said; "Yeah, that song was primarily written to those who are cutters or, you know, suicidal, that whole deal. The first verse relates the story of a girl who comes to a guy with scars and he notices that they are there and he wants to help her. He doesn't want her to feel like this, because no one should have to feel this way. Throughout the song, John goes more into detail about that how he doesn